Diary Entry - 05/19/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Secretary of the Treasury Don Regan.
About 20,000 people march in solemn silence to a cemetery in Warsaw, Poland, to mourn a teen-ager (Grzegorz Przemyk) who died while in police custody.
Met with Cong. leadership. Tip a no show. Maybe because on the today show he kicked my brains out. I’m a liar, cruel etc. etc. Jim Wright in the meeting criticized me for being partisan. I told him I’d seen (T.V.) his speech on the Floor about me & I thought I had a couple of licks coming. Lew Lehrman & Jack Hume came by. They have a great plan for getting our supporters organized at the Cong. District level. Lunched with George B. Did an interview with Helen Thomas. A Cabinet Council meeting. Don Regan joined me in the office about Ron & his paranoia about S.S. protection. I think he’s being ridiculous & d--n unfair to the guys who are trying to protect his hide. That is settled—we let him sign off permanently—no protection. A wonderful family (Filipino) came to the office. Their teenage son has won the nat. science award. He has invented a foil for airplane wings that can result in a 22% savings on fuel.