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Diary Entry - 05/18/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-18-1988

Key Facts

  • The President travels to New London, Connecticut and addresses the Commencement Exercises at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.

  • A cheering crowd in the Soviet town of Termez greets the first Soviet soldiers as they withdrew from Afghanistan.

View the President's Schedule
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Up & off at 9 A.M. on Marine 1 to Andrews A.F.B. & A.F.1 to Hartford Conn. From there by helicopter & car to the Coast Guard Base. Had a tour of a Cutter and saw some of the captured weapons & drugs from their tours in the Caribbean. I was greatly impressed. We had lunch with the crew & then on to the Coast Guard Academy for Commencement exercises. The threatening rain held off. The ceremony was outdoors before around 5000 people or more. It was a most impressive ceremony & I was made an honorary member of the graduating class & given a class ring. My speech was well received. It was truly an enjoyable & inspiring day. Then car, helicopter & finally A.F.1. We had Sens. Dodd & Weicker with us round trip. Back to Andrews & 4 P.M. & W.H. about 4:15.

Nancy is at a tea at British Embassy. So I did my exercises. She came home—Mermie is here. We had dinner then watched P.B. T.V.—“Concert at The W.H.”—the tribute to Broadway musicals.

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