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Diary Entry - 05/17/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-17-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Vice Prime Minister Shinton Peres of Israel.

  • President Reagan attends a Human Rights Meeting.

  • The U.S. Commerce Department reports a record level of export sales giving the U.S. its lowest monthly trade deficit in three years.

View the President's Schedule
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Panama on 1st—Dole has introduced a resolution as an amendment to Defense bill—that resolves we must not kill the indictment on Noriega. Before day was over it passed overwhelmingly—they just don't know what they are talking about.

I’m enclosing some drug talk in my Coast Guard Academy commencement address tomorrow.

Howard told Ed M. he has to support our Panama policy.

N.S.C.—Kozak is waiting to see Noriega today. He’ll tell Noriega we must have an answer on our proposal.

A very brief meeting & then a meeting with Sens. Cohen & Boren. This had to do with funding space science—they went away happy. A little desk time then Vice P.M. Peres of Israel came by. We had a good but brief meeting. He is all out for our Mid East peace proposal. I wish Shamir felt that way.

Lunch & then photos with Sen. Karnes our nominee for re-election.

Then a fascinating meeting in R. room with American officials of a group working for human rights in Soviet U. plus several refugees from Soviet U. including Irina R. the poetess who wrote a letter & poem to me while she was in the Gulag. They were asking my help on Human Rt’s. at the summit. Then an N.S.P.G. meeting—nothing exciting.

A brief meeting with E. Meese re the latest change in personnelle. Press calls it a firing—Ed says the fellow was just burned out & wanted out.

Then I rehearsed the slide show I’ll do tomorrow night. Dick Wirthlins latest polls—my rating stays up. Then a taping session, a sneeze shot & upstairs.

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