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Diary Entry - 05/16/1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Prince Turki al-Faisal, advisor to King Khalid bin Abd al-Aziz Al-Sa'ud of Saudi Arabia to discuss the situation in the Middle East.

  • Nancy Reagan christens the US.S Ticonderoga guided missile cruiser.

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Nancy up at the crack of dawn to leave for Miss. & the launching. Why am I so scared always when she leaves like that? I do an awful lot of praying until she returns. She returned and I’ve said my thank you. While she was gone I got a call that Prince Turki [al-Faisal] of Saudi Arabia was in N.Y. If we could persuade him to come here & meet me (he’s a nephew of Crown Prince Sahd) maybe we could persuade him to fly back to Saudi A. and see if they would lean on Syria while we continue to talk to Begin. Meeting a success we’re sending him back by mil. aircraft.

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