Diary Entry - 05/15/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a radio address to the Nation marking the 33rd observance of Armed Forces Day.
President Reagan places a call to his son, Ronald Reagan, Jr., to convince him not to sign off his Secret Service protection.
Held morning meetings with George Schultz & Phil Habib. George met with heads of state I’ll be meeting with in Versailles. It’s a little un-nerving to find they expect me to be the leader in solving our world wide ec. problems. Phil. thinks our Lebanon cease fire is on thinner ice than it has been in 9 months. A radical wing of the P.L.O. wanting to take over from Arafat is out to provoke Israel into action. This will rid them of Arafat who is more moderate & will rally Arab & Soviet support to the radicals. We’re trying to make Israel see this. Did my radio script on the 33rd observance of Armed Forces Day. We’ve really made the volunteer mil. work. Enlistments are up, so are re-enlistments but most important the intelligence & ed. level of the enlistees is higher than it’s ever been. Long call to Ron. He wants to Sign off Secret Svc. for a month. S.S. knows he’s a real target—lives in a N.Y.C. area where the Puerto Rican terrorist group is active. In fact he’s on a hit list. He thinks we’re interfering with his privacy. I cant make him see that I cant be put in a position of one day facing a ransom demand. I’d have to refuse for reasons for the Nation’s welfare.