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Diary Entry - 05/12/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-12-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan rides his horse, "Giminish."

  • South Africa prisoner Nelson Mandela sees his wife for the first time in twenty-two years.

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Sat. rode. My Giminish was fighting his head the whole way—I dont know what was bugging him. Sun. we left Camp early & came back to the Jeanne Jugan Home for the Aged. They were having a Mothers Day luncheon. This home is run by the Little Sisters of the Poor a Catholic order. It was really a rewarding day visiting with these elderly inmates & meeting those wonderfully kind & happy Nuns.—Back to the W.H.—Mermie & Dennis are here. Sat. I should say we got the shocking news that Freddie our usher here in the W.H.—a man we’ve come to love, died of a heart attack. He will be greatly missed.

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