Diary Entry - 05/11/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Mrs. America and her family.
President Reagan receives word from Secretary Schultz that the Soviets are stonewalling the U.S. on any attempt to get the Soviets back into the Olympics.
Met with Ambas. Hartman (Moscow). He believes there is friction in the Polit Bureau [Politburo] and Gromyko is much of our problem. He doesn’t feel I could have any success in appealing to the Soviets to come to the Olympics. Dropped by a meeting of several columnists re the ed. situation. Then met with members of the Commission on Excellence in Ed. They have performed a miracle. One year ago they issued their report and now all over the country on their own, parents, teachers, local school boards & state legislatures have started a wave of reforms to eliminate mediocrity in ed. Out on the S. Lawn I awarded certificates of excellence to about 60 Seniors from high schools in every state & Puerto Rico. In the afternoon I awarded a gold medal posthumously to Joe Louis—his widow Martha accepted. Mrs. America & her family came by. She’s a very lovely person. Was also made a life member of the Italian American War Veterans org. Then a Cabinet Room meeting with conservative leaders re Central Am. They are all pledged to help. George S. & I met with Bud M. It was mainly a report by George on his meetings with Soviet reps.—Ambas. Dobrynin etc. They are utterly stone walling us. Off to Camp David & a beautiful afternoon.