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Diary Entry - 05/07/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-07-1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan leaves Japan for Washington, D.C.

  • President Reagan is welcomed back from his trip to East Asia by a thousand well-wishers.

View the President's Schedule
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A press conf. at 10 A.M.—most Q. about summit & terrorism. Then a farewell thank you to Embassy staff & on to Haneda Airport for 12:15 take off for Alaska & home—14 hours of flying and an hour for refueling. Crossing the dateline makes for our interesting situation. We leave Tokyo on a Wed. noon & arrive at the W.H. lawn at a little after 1 P.M. on Wed. In between is the refueling—an entire night & sunrise. It can be confusing. You fly into darkness & through it into daylight again. We managed to sack out for a few hours sleep & then got our meals on to Wash. time so that dinner tonite in Wash. will be at the regular time following breakfast & lunch at 8 A.M. & noon Wash. time.

A crowd of several thousand plus Geo. Bush & the Cabinet were awaiting us. Maureen is here & now dinner time approaches.

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