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Diary Entry - 05/06/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-06-1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan enjoys dinner at the Imperial Palace as a guest of the Emperor of Japan.

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The big & final day. Morning session spent on Ec. statement Yasu would deliver to press. A lot of nitpicking but in the main everything worked out. I have never seen an Ec. summit where there was so much real unity.

A pleasant lunch at the Okani then back to Embassy for bilateral with Mitterrand & Chirac—it went well. Finally the press session & Yasu’s report. Back to the Hotel & into a tux for dinner at the Imperial Palace as guests of the Emperor & entire royal family. It was truly an Imperial affair with a table easily 150 ft. long with 2 shorter tables across—one at each end of long table. My dinner partners were the Crown Prince & his younger brother.

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