Diary Entry - 05/05/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in the annual event in which he is presented with the first caught salmon of the year.
President Reagan attends a Signing Ceremony for S. 1378 designating the first Thursday of every May as the National Day of Prayer.
Made a phone call at 9:05 to Alden Aaroe of radio station WRVA Atlanta. It’s his 70th Birthday & 42 yrs. with WRVA. He was a World War II flier—Army Air Corps.
Then I phoned Chic Hecht (Sen.) that we’d do everything we could to be of help in the disaster there. A solid fuel Rocket plant blew up. Our AIDS mailer, over 100 mil. copies went out from H.H.S. We did no tampering with it in compliance with the law.
On June 25 I’ll be going to Charlottesville & then Williamsburg for speeches.
N.S.C.—Brf. for N.S.P.G. meeting coming up at 3 P.M. Our Dick Walters went to France re the invasion of hotel rooms of Americans in France—by French security people. Trust Dick—the French said it will be stopped.
Israelis are pulling out of Lebanon. Polish govt. is getting rough on the strikers.
Have now learned the Nevada explosion is a plant that makes the liquid used in solid rocket fuel. One fatality but widespread damage.
Later in morning Kilgore Jr. College girls basketball came to see me. They are small school champs—33 wins, 1 loss. It was a fun time. Then Bob Tuttle with a list of appointees I OK’d. Then lunch & a couple of hours of desk time. The N.S.P.G. meeting was a discussion of things we’d be faced with in Moscow. Finally Admin time—the NCAA Hockey Champs. Then an annual event—I was presented with 81⁄2 lb. Atlantic Salmon—the 1st catch of the year.
The Ecumenical bible & prayer group came & I signed the bill that makes from now on the 1st Thurs. of May—Nat. prayer day. The State Repub. Chmn. of Delaware & family—it’s possible he is a terminal Cancer case. The Hispanic leadership of business was next. Boeing execs. presented me with the model of the new A.F.1 we’re supposed to get next Fall. Retired Admiral Stockdale & his wife came by. He was one of the Vietnam P.O.W.’s we met when they were freed. He is chairman of my Commission on W.H. Fellows.
That ended the day—upstairs for exercises & dinner with Nancy.