Diary Entry - 05/04/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan travels to Chicago and speaks before the Foreign Affairs Council.
President Reagan addresses a Republican fundraising receptions for Governor Jim Thompson.
Three French hostages are releases in Beirut by pro-Iranian kidnappers.
A short meeting—some talk about this astrology mess Don Regans book has kicked up. Some gal in L.A. claims she’s a visitor to the W.H. & that she gives us frequent readings. She even claims she advised me on choosing Geo. B. for V.P. We’ve never seen her in our lives and dont know her at all.
N.S.C.—Colin came in early because his meeting too is shortened. I approved a letter to Bob Michel protesting budget cuts in S.D.I. of $3 1⁄2 Bil.
A short report on Israel invasion of S. Lebanon. Our new technology on space info. satellites is facing budget cuts.
Then it was time to board Marine 1 & on to Andrews A.F.B. where A.F.1 was waiting to take us to Chi. I’m speaking & doing a Q&A with the Foreign Affairs Council. We took a first term Republican Cong.man with us. Our first stop at the Palmer House was a Repub. reception for some big Repub. donors. Gov. Jim Thompson was on hand. I did a few minutes remarks & then a receiving line. In the same hotel a big lunch with the council. I was very well received. Then it was back to Wash.—exercises & dinner.
Word received on trip of a terrible explosion near Las Vegas of a plant making solid rocket fuel. Waiting for details & casualty count.