Diary Entry - 05/04/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan makes tours the Akasaka Palace.
President Reagan learns later that terrorists had launched homemade missiles at the palace during the President's tour.
Morning off—then working lunch at Embassy. Then a bilateral with Chancellor Kohl (W. Germany). We planned a little strategy to get some things done at the summit.
Then a trip to the Akasaka Palace for formal arrival. Met by Yasu—we inspected the troops etc. Learned later terrorists had launched 5 homemade missiles that missed the Palace by a county mile. Then back to embassy for a bi-lateral with P.M. Thatcher (U.K.). A good meeting as always. Then off to Hotel Otani for big reception—probably 300 people. Then to Yasu’s residence for dinner—just heads of state. We got into plans for unified action against terrorism & Libya in particular. It grew late.