Diary Entry - 05/03/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan at the U.S. Embassy.
President Reagan eats his dinner while watching "The A Team" and "Hart to Hart."
Taped my radio show—had a briefing session and then off to a bilateral with P.M. Nakasone at our embassy. He has problems as I do with Cong. I’m fighting off protectionism & he is too except his people oppose him as he attempts to eliminate protectionism which dominates their ec. Next meeting was with P.M. Craxi of Italy. I think we’ve found an answer to his not belonging—or asked to belong to the Group of 5. Then I spoke briefly to the Am. C. of C. We apparently have chambers in a number of Asian states & their reps. had come from a variety of clubs from a number of S.E. Asian states.
Dinner alone in my suite. I’ll be glad when Nancy joins me. CNN has an English language channel in Japan. I ate dinner watching “The A Team” & “Hart to Hart.” Then word came to me that we’d had our 3rd calamity in the Space program. A Delta missile carrying a $57 mil. weather satellite had to be blown up when it malfunctioned. You cant help but wonder about sabotage.