Diary Entry - 04/30/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with US Negotiators returned from the first round of the Nuclear and Space Talks with the Soviet Union.
President Reagan travels to Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, for the Economic Summit.
Now it’s really getaway day. I’m scratching at drafts of some of the 14 speeches I’ll be giving in Europe. We had a Cab. Council meeting—another on the tax simplification plan. We’re making some progress. Then a short meeting with our 3 head negotiators who are home on recess from the Geneva arms talks. Nothing much to report—they said the Soviets in this 1st round seemed to be positioning themselves for some kind of propaganda efforts. Speculation is that it will be Gorbachev’s speech at the U.N. in Sept. If so that means the next session beginning June 1st wont see much progress.
I hope I’m not being too optimistic but it seems there are a few signs that the Bitberg issue may be turning. Cap just came back from a ceremony installing the new military Vicar a Catholic Priest or Bishop named Ryan. He told Cap I was a “Christian, a good man & doing the right thing about the visit to the cemetery.”
Dave Murdock came by—he’s laying off 1000’s of textile workers because of the foreign competition. I don't know what we can do & still hold our position on free trade. We already have dozens & dozens of quotas in effect limiting imports. An interview with Hugh Sidey—he’s a fair & common sense man.
9:25 P.M. a statement to the press before boarding Marine 1 & on our way to Bonn. We tried something new for jet lag. There is a 6 hr. time change so as we took off at 10 P.M. (A.F.1) Wash. time, it was already 4 A.M. Wed. in Bonn. The flight was 7 hrs. & 25 min’s. We got on board & went right to bed. I wont say we slept well but got a fair amount of shut eye. We also set our clocks to Bonn time—so in effect we were going to bed at 4 A.M. & due to arrive at 11:25 A.M. It worked. We were met by Ambas. & Mrs. Burns & Foreign Minister & Mrs. Genscher. There was a German fly by—the Nat. Anthems & a 21 gun salute. Then we boarded Marine 1 and helicoptered to Schloss Gymnich—the castle now used as a guest house by the German govt. We had stayed there on our 1982 visit.
This was a take it easy day. We strolled in the garden, then lunch and an afternoon of homework, a quiet dinner & off to bed.