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Diary Entry - 04/29/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-29-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a swearing-in ceremony for William Brock as Secretary of Labor.

  • President Reagan attends a luncheon meeting to discuss the upcoming Bonn Economic Summit.

View the President's Schedule
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It’s almost like “getaway” day. In the Rose Garden we had a signing ceremony for announcement of Nat. Partnership for Child Safety. Then off to Constitution Hall for Nat. C. of C. convention. A little like the Nat. Realtors last week & they are all going up to the Congress to push for our budget. Then we had a 11⁄2 hour lunch & briefing on the Summit. Later in the St. Dining Room I did a live T.V. interview for our U.S.I.A.—Q’s. from 6—one each from Germany, France, Eng., Japan, Italy & Canada. It will also be available either to Pub. T.V. or the networks. We had a swearing in of Bill Brock as Sec. of labor & then it was a haircut & home.

Dick Wirthlin did a weekend survey—my approval rating went up to 62%. Bitberg was approved 49 to 47 but he made the Q. one to lean toward negative—“do you think he should honor the Nazi’s etc.”

Tomorrow’s the day.

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