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Diary Entry - 04/23/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-23-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the Palestine Liberation Organization.

  • President Reagan meets with Senators to discuss the candidates for the Chairmanship of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.

  • In Connecticut 28 construction workers are killed when an apartment complex being built in Bridgeport collapsed.

View the President's Schedule
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Staff time taken up with discussion of Cong. inroads on Presidential Power and choice I must make between Sen. Montgomerys nominee for Chmn. Fed. Home Loan Bank Bd.—Philip Winn (He made a good pitch) and Sen. Jake Garns candidate Don Wall. Jake due in at 3:45 to present his case.

In meantime had a nice lunch with V.P.

In morning N.S.C. meeting subject was the P.L.O. meeting in Algiers & the manner in which Arafat continues to dominate. Jake Garn made a good case & now it’s up to me. The choice isn’t easy. They are both good men.

Personnel time, a meeting with Culvahouse who has been through my diary looking for items on Iran situation.

Then Admin. time—photo with former Sen. John Sherman Cooper & with the Easter Seal Poster Child & his family. She is 11 yr. old. Susie Wilcox—West Simsbury Conn. Adult representative is 57 yr. old Dr. Andrew Vangelatos of Eureka Calif. Pat Boone & Shirley also—he is Chmn. of Nat. Campaign. Susie is confined to a wheelchair.

Then up to a lonely W.H. Nancy is in N.Y.—home tomorrow.

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