Diary Entry - 04/23/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the Palestine Liberation Organization.
President Reagan meets with Senators to discuss the candidates for the Chairmanship of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
In Connecticut 28 construction workers are killed when an apartment complex being built in Bridgeport collapsed.
Staff time taken up with discussion of Cong. inroads on Presidential Power and choice I must make between Sen. Montgomerys nominee for Chmn. Fed. Home Loan Bank Bd.—Philip Winn (He made a good pitch) and Sen. Jake Garns candidate Don Wall. Jake due in at 3:45 to present his case.
In meantime had a nice lunch with V.P.
In morning N.S.C. meeting subject was the P.L.O. meeting in Algiers & the manner in which Arafat continues to dominate. Jake Garn made a good case & now it’s up to me. The choice isn’t easy. They are both good men.
Personnel time, a meeting with Culvahouse who has been through my diary looking for items on Iran situation.
Then Admin. time—photo with former Sen. John Sherman Cooper & with the Easter Seal Poster Child & his family. She is 11 yr. old. Susie Wilcox—West Simsbury Conn. Adult representative is 57 yr. old Dr. Andrew Vangelatos of Eureka Calif. Pat Boone & Shirley also—he is Chmn. of Nat. Campaign. Susie is confined to a wheelchair.
Then up to a lonely W.H. Nancy is in N.Y.—home tomorrow.