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Diary Entry - 04/21/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-21-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Attorney General Edwin Meese to discuss the selection of a new Director of the FBI.

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss nuclear missile theory.

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Back to routine—9 A.M. meeting with Howard, V.P. & Ken D.—talked about putting together an agenda & campaign for the next 21 months. Then an hour with Repub. Cong. Ldrship. We talked budget & then Geo. S. gave a report on the Moscow trip.

At N.S.C. the subject was Soviet Missiles & Gen. Rogers who is retiring as Chf. of NATO forces. He has a Nuc. missile theory a little different than mine.

Then Japanese Minister Abe came by. We had a good & friendly meeting but settled nothing about the trade problem.

Lunch outdoors—1st time since last summer.

After lunch presented a crystal apple to Donna Oliver the Nat. Tchr. of The Year. She is a most impressive & attractive young Black who looks as young as her daughter who is Nat. Miss Black America.

A brief Cabinet meeting—continuing earlier meeting on where we stand on agenda for next 2 yrs. Ed Meese came by about new Dir. of F.B.I.—He’s going to try for former Gov. of Pa. Dick Thornberg—I hope we can get him. A lengthy taping session for Norman Rockwell museum, George Romneys 80th Birthday, International Herald Tribune, World trade week & a message for Pres’s. committee for employment of the handicapped. Just before all that I had a good 45 min. meeting with Jim Wright—hearing about his trip to Moscow.

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