Diary Entry - 04/20/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a Signing Ceremony for the Law Day Proclamation.
President Reagan is interviewed by Godfrey Hodgson of England, on a series called “Reagan on Reagan.”
Gunmen who havw hijacked a Kuwait Airways jumbo jet are allowed safe passage out of Algeria after agreeing to free the remaining 31 hostages.
We talked Trade Bill. Bob M. is going to offer to recommit bill without “plant closing” measure if veto is upheld. In the Sen. we have 24 solid votes & a number of likelys to uphold veto. Dems. are saying if this one fails there will be no trade bill—political trick if I ever heard one.
As to I.N.F. we’re worried they’ll delay ratification til after the summit.
N.S.C.—Dept. of Defense will make public—photo of our high tech newest plane the B-2. Iranians fired a missile at Kuwait—possibly a Scud. Tunisians are talking about taking Israeli attack on Abu Jihad to the U.N.
[. . .]
Had a signing ceremony with a large group of prominent lawyers present for Law Day Proclamation—May 1.
Had to move into study while Oval Office was set up for T.V. interview after lunch. Lunch with V.P. Then a Brief for the interview & the interview. It was with or by Godfrey Hodgson of Eng. who is doing a 3 hr. series called “Reagan on Reagan.” It was very pleasant & I enjoyed it I hope I don't have to go to Eng.to see it.
Well then I met with Burns & Weld about their resignations from Justice Dept. They professed great affection for Ed Meese & belief that he was innocent of any wrongdoing but claimed the dept. was dead in the water.
Then we met with Ed. He gave chapter & verse of the dept’s. activities which completely rebutted their story.
Upstairs & made 8 phone calls 1 to a Congressman & 7 to Sens. asking their support of my upcoming veto of the Trade Bill. Four positive yes’es.— 4 maybes.