Diary Entry - 04/17/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a briefing for his upcoming meeting with the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia.
President Reagan meets with Senator Denton (R-Alabama) to discuss activities related to the Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism.
April showers—all day. A meeting with a few Congressmen who want me to declare we’ll no longer abide by the terms of the SALT II unratified Treaty. Frankly I’m ready. The Soviets are guilty of about 30 odd violations & show no signs of making any redress.
Main part of day was visit & lunch with P.M. of Australia Bob Hawke. We have a good relationship both as individuals & as countries.
Dick Walters reported in on his trip to Europe to talk to our allies about Libya. P.M. Thatcher as always was solidly behind us. I’m surprised that P.M. Chirac of France was violently against us. Mitterrand, Craxi & Kohl are easing up—Kohl & Craxi indicated if it happens again we could fly over their countries.
Some picture taking, OK’d some appointments then went over to the East Room to speak to the Republican Congressional Leadership Council—group organized to elect Repub. Reps.
Then upstairs—change into Tux & over to dinner for W.H. Correspondents. My talk was a Gridiron like collection of jokes—well received.