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Diary Entry - 04/10/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-10-1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a Domestic Policy Council meeting.

  • Benazir Bhutto returns to Pakistan.

View the President's Schedule
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Another session with Admiral Crowe on potential Libyan targets. I think it will be Mon. night. I’ve sent a long message to P.M Thatcher explaining in generalities what we’re up to. She has replied with a long message pledging support but expressing concern about possible civilian casualties. That’s our concern also.

Then we had a domestic policy meeting—subject drugs. We’ve done a great job of intercepting drugs but all agree the real answer must be taking the customers away from the drugs. I proposed a film for schools showing ugly scenes of long time addicts.

Then a big & good meeting with about 15 Dem. Reps. on the Nicaragua-Contra situation. I think we have a chance to get the Contra aid voted this time. But Tip has opened up & my hunch was correct—he’s going to tie it to a big spending bill which I just cant sign. Our job now is to get rank & file Dem’s. to oppose this.

From then on it was a personnel meeting,—photo with news staff, & some departing people.

A high spot was meeting 4 yr. old Candi Thomas Kojella. Three yrs. ago when Candi was 16 months old she was dying. I asked for a donor to give a liver to her—did it on T.V. A wonderful couple whose baby had just died came through. And here was Candi—a cute, beautiful little girl. Some more visitors including Japanese journalists then a one hr. taping session & upstairs.

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