Diary Entry - 04/09/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with senior White House staff to discuss his upcoming press conference.
President Reagan attends the American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE) Convention.
A full—in fact 2 full N.S.C. meetings planning targets for retaliation against Kadaffy. Our evidence is complete that he was behind the Disco bombing in W. Berlin that killed an Am. Sgt. & wounded 50 G.I.’s. We have 5 specified mil. targets in mind.
These 2 meetings were before & after an hours meeting with the Repub. Leadership of the House & Sen. Two subjects mainly—aid to the Contras & our budget. It was a pretty good meeting.
Then it was back to the Family Theatre for another practice for tonite’s press conf. Leaving there I went over to the Marriott hotel for a session with the Am. Society of Newspaper Editors—their annual convention. I was a before lunch speaker & took several Q’s. Back to the W.H. for lunch & a meeting with Geo. S. Talked mostly about his meeting with Dobrynin & plans for middle May meeting with Shevardnadze. A haircut & upstairs.
Press Conf. at 8 P.M.—went well. Almost all Q’s were on Kadaffy. The T.V. news is doing everything but telling Kadaffy we’re going to hit him & when.