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Diary Entry - 04/03/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-03-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the Contras in Nicaragua.

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Lord Peter Carrington to discuss the Strategic Defense Initiative.

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Met with Repub. Cong. leadership on the budget. The House is disturbed because all the action is on the Sen. side but that’s because the Sen. committee after we sent our budget up, came out with one of their own. We’ve been working with them to see if we cant reconcile the differences & then send to the House a bill representing the position of the Repub. Sen. & Pres.

Lord Carrington (N.A.T.O.) came by. He’s done a good job of tightening up the Alliance. He’s concerned somewhat about our S.D.I. and I believe it’s because of the possibility that without our nuclear shield the Soviets will pose a threat because of their superiority in Conventional weapons.

In N.S.C. we’re putting together an idea for trying to frame our spending request to Congress for the Contras in Nicaragua in connection with peace proposals. I dont believe the Dem. House will vote us the money just on a straight up or down basis. Tip O’Neill & Bob Michel came in—they are talking a bi-partisan Cong. group to the Soviet U. Just wanted a last min. briefing & our blessing. Gave them both. Geo. S. stayed on after and told me of a possible meeting I could have with King Hussein whose son is graduating from Brown U. Then a meeting with activists on subject of missing children. I’ve asked them to come up with a partnership—everyone joining in & to bring in a plan for same within 3 weeks.

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