Diary Entry - 04/02/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Turgut Ozal.
President Reagan attends the 10th anniversary of the Republican Eagles Dinner.
Todays visitor was P.M. Ozal of Turkey. He’s done a great job of bringing Turkey into the world of free enterprise. Turkey is important to the U.S. as a gateway to the Middle East & an anchor on the S. flank of the N.A.T.O. line. We got along fine better than I could get along with the P.M. of Greece. Addressed the Nat. officers of the Associated General Contractors. They are solid in their support of our policies. Back at the W.H. a ceremony in the Rose Garden celebrating John McCloys 90th B.D.—The Pres. of W. Germany was on hand, also the Mayor of Berlin who made John an honorary citizen of Berlin. The new Ambas. from Japan arrived, we had a reception for the Presidential Trust Fund a group in the East Room, & then tonite the Eagles dinner. It was a nice affair & a short one I’m pleased to say. The welcome was warm & affectionate for both Geo. B. & myself.