Diary Entry - 04/02/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting.
President Reagan attends a Cabinet Council meeting with leaders of N.A.T.O.
Staff time again on the Highway bill. I decided to go to the hill & make my pitch to our Repub. Sens. including the 13 who are voting to override. Some of our team thought I would only look worse if I was overridden. I decided I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t go.
In N.S.C. the subject was a presentation for the Joint Chiefs delivered by Colin. They feel in our arms talks we need more than 5 yrs.—6 or 7—in order to offset the advantage to the Soviets in conventional weapons.
Then a meeting in Cabinet room with Lord Carrington of N.A.T.O. It was a good meeting—we get along fine. A meeting with co-sponsors of NATO Cooperation Legislation. This meeting also included Lord Carrington.
Then I left the meeting & headed for Capitol Hill. I met 1st with a large group of Sens. in old Sen. Chamber. Then with the 13 in Bob Doles office. I knew when I left I’d failed but I have no respect left for that 13. They were voting on strictly the pressure they were getting from the construction industry and they were voting against trying to balance the budget.
Back at the W.H. a late lunch & then in the Rose Garden met with the U. of Tenn. Girls B.B. team—N.C.A.A. Champs.
Back to the Cab. room for an Ec. policy meeting on the upcoming Canada meeting. In the meeting was handed a note—we’d lost on the veto vote 67-33.—1 vote short.
A brief Personnel meeting & then Admin. time—some departure pictures, then a group of Hasidic Rabbis. Also the Am. Cancer Society with Minnie Pearl.
On to W.H.—Public sentiment including even some Dem. Sens. seems to be favoring me in my defeat.