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Diary Entry - 03/29/1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets to discuss issues of concern with the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG).

  • President Reagan places a call to John Malcolm Fraser, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia.

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Addressed Nat. Assn. of Realtors—Bob Dole & others had already spoken. Sen. R Byrd, they told me had attacked me & the ec. program & was booed by the 1400 delegates. They tell me I was interrupted 23 times by applause. Meetings with Al Haig about China & Taiwan. State wanted to send a paper to the P.R.C. & letters from me because we are about to send mil. equipment & spare parts to Taiwan. I objected to some of the terms they wanted in these papers—the note of almost apology to the P.R.C. I’m convinced the Chinese will respect us more if we politely tell them we have an obligation to the people & Taiwan & no one is going to keep us from meeting it. We didn’t send the papers.

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