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Diary Entry - 03/27/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-27-1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan calls Vice Admiral Frank Kelso to congratulate the Commander, the officers, and the men of the U.S. Sixth fleet for their performance in the Gulf of Sidra.

  • President Reagan attends a fundraising luncheon for Representative Moore, Republican candidate for Senator of Louisiana.

View the President's Schedule
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Off to Calif. by way of New Orleans. Stopped there for a noon time fund raiser for Rep. Henson Moore who is now our cand. for Senate. It was a very warm & friendly event, Henson is a top individual with a wife to match. Everything went well & we were on our way to Calif. right on schedule. I learned that a man had appeared demanding to meet me & S.S. told him it wasn’t possible. When he finally turned away one of our S.S. saw a strange bulge in his coat & grabbed him—he was wearing a gun.

At Pt. Mugu—landed in fog—Nancy there to meet me. We took off for the ranch in a smaller helicopter than Marine 1. Turns out this is an economy measure in response to Gramm-Rudman. It’s O.K. with me. After our 2 previous visits to the ranch when we were fogged & rained in the whole time—the weather forecast was not too encouraging.

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