Diary Entry - 03/27/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan calls Vice Admiral Frank Kelso to congratulate the Commander, the officers, and the men of the U.S. Sixth fleet for their performance in the Gulf of Sidra.
President Reagan attends a fundraising luncheon for Representative Moore, Republican candidate for Senator of Louisiana.
Off to Calif. by way of New Orleans. Stopped there for a noon time fund raiser for Rep. Henson Moore who is now our cand. for Senate. It was a very warm & friendly event, Henson is a top individual with a wife to match. Everything went well & we were on our way to Calif. right on schedule. I learned that a man had appeared demanding to meet me & S.S. told him it wasn’t possible. When he finally turned away one of our S.S. saw a strange bulge in his coat & grabbed him—he was wearing a gun.
At Pt. Mugu—landed in fog—Nancy there to meet me. We took off for the ranch in a smaller helicopter than Marine 1. Turns out this is an economy measure in response to Gramm-Rudman. It’s O.K. with me. After our 2 previous visits to the ranch when we were fogged & rained in the whole time—the weather forecast was not too encouraging.