Diary Entry - 03/25/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a question and answer session with high school seniors from around the country.
President Reagan meets with Governor Lamar Alexander of Tennessee.
Congress passes legislation to rescue the U.S. social security system from bankruptcy.
Not too tough after the last 2—N.S.C. briefing—meeting with speechwriters—gave them an idea for Sat. radio—it worked out pretty good. Dick Wirthlin came in with a poll taken before my speech. I’ve gained on job approval with regard to the economy. But the drumbeat of anti-defense propaganda has reduced my rating on foreign affairs. I’ll be interested to see how that holds for a poll after the speech. Did a press availability in the press room. It went well—so the press on T.V. almost ignored it entirely. Meeting to discuss Wmsburg Summit. Then a pleasant lunch in the Oval office George B., George S. & Punch Sulzberger. The T.V. Q&A with high school kids—I really enjoy that. Gov. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) came to Wash. just to tell me—if I run he wants to help. Met with Y. Repubs. ldrship. Nice group of young people. An hour meeting with Geo. S. just the 2 of us to talk about our quiet diplomacy efforts with Dobrynin. We may get those Pentacostalists out of the embassy in Moscow yet.