Diary Entry - 03/24/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Republican women Members of Congress.
The President and First Lady attend the opening of "The American Cowboy" exhibition at the Library of Congress.
President Reagan meets with representatives of the National Republican Hispanic Assembly.
Dr. Clark the Dr. with the artificial heart died. I called Mrs. Clark. She seems like a very nice person. I feel he didn’t die in vain. Medical science must know a great deal more because of his courage. Our women representatives (Repub.) in the House came over for a meeting on womens legislation. We (our admin.) have already done more to correct inequities than any other admin. before us. A couple of the gals are pretty aggressive sounding. Reports are in on last night’s speech—the biggest return—phone calls, wires etc. on any speech so far & running heavily in my favor. Cabinet Room full of Hispanics—heads of various organizations met to ask how they could help. They made it plain they meant to campaign for me in ’84. The day wound on with a Cabinet meeting. We are going to revamp the system of merit pay, separation from jobs etc. of Civil Service—make it more comparable to the pvt. sector. The Easter seal lad—a paraplegic—10 yrs. old came by with the annual presentation of Easter seals. This evening we went out to the Library of Cong., for the Cowboy Exhibit. It was interesting & we enjoyed it. Then we went to the Hilton not to stay for the dinner of the T.V. & Radio Correspondents but to make remarks—supposed to be funny. Finally home.