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Diary Entry - 03/23/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-23-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan sends congress a plan to revitalize urban areas by offering businesses attractive incentives to invest in designated "enterprise zones".

  • General Efrain Rios Montt seizes power from President Lucas Garcia.

View the President's Schedule
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Half day in the office—mostly meetings. Then on to N.Y. for the Nat. Conf. of Christians & Jews Dinner where I received the “Charles Evans Hughes” award for “Courageous Leadership in Governmental, Civic and Humanitarian Affairs.” But 1st an interview with editorial board of N.Y. Post—a friendly paper. The dinner was a nice affair—the award presented by Henry K. Outside the hotel a demonstration—it seemed like old times. A combination of groups including the “Gay Atheists.” I think we are seeing a buildup as concentrated as the phony anti-Vietnam rallies.

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