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Diary Entry - 03/19/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a meeting to discuss Ross Perot's request to travel to Vietnam to talk to American Prisoners of War.

  • President Reagan participates in his 40th Press Conference.

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Nancy off to Atlanta GA back this afternoon. Our Staff & N.S.C. meeting involved with Ross Perot who wants to go on his own to Hanoi on the P.O.W. matter. He says he’ll only go if they assure him he’ll be able to talk to Am. P.O.W.s still being held. He also wants a letter from me saying I approve his going.

Lunch with V.P.—a visit (drop by) by Tommy Thomas.

Then 2 hrs. in the family theatre. Upstairs to do some homework for press conf. tonite. Press conf. went very well. 787 phone calls in 1st 30 mins. 711 positive 77 against—thus 90% approval.

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