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Diary Entry - 03/19/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-19-1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with the leadership of the U.S. Sister Cities Program.

  • President Reagan hosts a luncheon meeting with Prime Minister Mulroney of Canada.

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The pot is coming to boil on Contra Aid. Tip is putting the squeeze on his gang as if this is a personal test of loyalty to him. We’ve countered with a proposal that I’ll hold still for a time without using the money while we try again to negotiate providing they’ll pass the bill. A visit (brief ) from the outgoing Foreign Minister & wife of Costa Rica. Then a meeting with the leadership of the U.S. Sister Cities program. It’s been going on for 30 yrs.—They made me honorary president. Some more Congressional phone calls & then P.M. Mulroney came by & we had lunch in my study followed by a signing of a 5 yr. extension of the Norad agreement between our 2 countries. Then I announced our approval of the Acid rain report by Drew Lewis (U.S.A.) & Bill Davis (Canada). Saw the P.M. off—he’s greatly pleased by the whole trip.

A meeting with George Shultz and upstairs for the rest of the day. I have a huge bowl of gold fish given me by Aly Khan whose home we occupied in Geneva. This was a reward for taking care of his sons aquarium while we were in occupancy. I’m sending them over to Kathy for her daughter Sherrie [Shelley].

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