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Diary Entry - 03/18/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-18-1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with his Chief of Staff to discuss his upcoming speech at the annual Gridiron Club dinner.

  • Buckingham Palace announces the engagement of Prince Andrew to Sarah Ferguson.

View the President's Schedule
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P.M. & Mila Mulroney arrived. The sun came out and we had the usual S. Lawn ceremony with the troops & all. Then a good meeting. I hope we can work out some things in the area of trade that will benefit him. Right now pol. opponents are trying to portray him as an American puppet. After lunch I met with 14 Dem. Congressmen & 1 woman who are possibles on Contra aid. I hope we have them but no way to know. Then a meeting with Dole & Lugar who believe we have the votes in the Sen. A final session with Don R. & Pat B. to polish up the Gridiron speech for Sat. nite.

7:15 the evening begins—the State Dinner for the P.M. etc. It (again) was a most enjoyable evening. I give Nancy credit. I’ve been to state dinners before I had this job & they were stuffy, impersonal & dull. Our state dinners are enjoyable, everyone has fun & the guest list is always an interesting mix.

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