Diary Entry - 03/16/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Special Envoy to the Middle East Phil Habib and Foreign Minister Salem of Lebanon to discuss the current situation in Lebanon.
President Reagan meets with Republican Congressmen to discuss Senator Roth's proposal for a new Cabinet Department of Trade.
The President and the First Lady attend the 25th Anniversary celebration of the Country Music Association at Constitution Hall.
Meeting with our team Phil Habib et al & F.M. Salem & former P.M. & now elder statesman Salam of Lebanon. I assured them we’d stay in there helping to get foreign forces out of Lebanon. The old gentleman told me I was much loved in Lebanon. He said previous experience with Am. Presidents was that they advanced so far & then retreated. I told him I didn’t have any reverse gear. Met with Repub. Congressmen regarding Sen. Roths proposal for a new Cab. dept. of Trade. This is a sticky one. Dropped in on a meeting with several dept. heads from E.P.A. We’re trying to boost their morale. Took the afternoon off & rode in Rock Creek Park. First time on horseback in a long time—not since last Fall. Tonite Constitution Hall for the Country Music Assn. anniversary. A great show & a wonderful warm evening. Minnie Pearl. Roy Acuff, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Gene Autry—well on & on. High spot—a piano & singing duet—Ray Charles & a young (also blind) artist who said Ray had been his inspiration. They drew a standing ovation that came from the heart.