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Diary Entry - 03/15/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Senators to discuss the defense budget.

  • President Reagan greets and hosts a luncheon for Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Ruud Lubbers.

  • President Reagan hosts a reception for the 25th anniversary of the Country Music Association.

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Met with Pete Domenici & Howard Baker. Howard said he’d failed to get Pete to delay budget markup in committee until after Easter. We want to delay to see if we cant find a legitimate Defense savings in MX plan when commission reports. Otherwise they’ll go ahead now & slash the budget in a harmful way. I made my pitch that had a possibility of an accepted cut if he’d give us time. He then asked if he could bring the ranking Dem. Senator on the committee in to see me. Howard left. Our Dem. arrived. I made my pitch. Before day was out we’d won—they’ve postponed. P.M. Lubbus of Holland arrived—usual meeting & lunch in the State dining room. He’s important to success of I.N.F. We got along fine—good relationship with the Dutch. Met with State Attorney Generals re our crime pckg. We have their support. Then a meeting with Dems. & Repubs. (Cong.) re the Zabloski bill—up tomorrow—a nuclear freeze bill. Our side has an acceptable substitute but things look dark. Met with Jerry Fallwell—he is a good friend & highly supportive. Reception East room for country singers—25th anniversary of Country Music Assn. Tomorrow night their big awards night Const. Hall. CBS evening news an almost total attack on our admin. They are beginning to look like a deliberate campaign.

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