Diary Entry - 03/13/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the owner of General Electric.
President Reagan travels to Camp David for the weekend.
Usual staff & N.S.C. meetings then an 11 A.M. N.S.C. meeting in the Cabinet room for briefing on where we stand on arms control with Soviets & our Central Am. Policy.
After lunch over to E.O.B. to address an enthusiastic group of leaders who support our budget & the movement for a balance budget amendment.
Got word NBC has a leaked story & has aired it about a ship load of T72 Soviet Tanks on their way here—a deep dark secret we wanted to hold. At my suggestion we arranged for Jack Welch, CEO of GE (which now owns NBC) to come to Camp D. later this P.M. with Frank C. & Gates.
Geo. Shultz regular visit—wanted to outline continuing peace efforts in Middle East. I’m all for it. Personnel time then photos with departing Ambas. to N.A.T.O. Al Keel & newly appointed Sen. from Neb. (with Gov. Kay Orr) David Karnes. He was once part of our admin.—Then off to Camp D.
Our visitors arrived. My idea was that we see if Jack Welch would be interested in getting media leaders to set up their own Code of ethics about going public with leaks like this one about the tanks. He’s definitely in favor. We told him we’d heard NBC News had another about our Mi-24 Soviet helicopter. [. . .]. They all left with Jack agreeing to pursue our idea. This very evening NBC came on with the Mi-24 story.