Diary Entry - 03/12/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan greets President of the Republic of Kenya Daniel arap Moi.
President Reagan meets with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to discuss the Intermediate Nuclear Forces talks.
This A.M. we agreed on Ken Duberstein to be Howards deputy. It’s great having him back on board. N.S.C. was brief & no sensational news. Later dropped in on P.F.I.A.B. having regular meeting in Roosevelt room. Henry K. gave a brief sum up of meeting with Gorbachev in Moscow. I’m afraid I cant agree with one of his views. He doesn’t think we should go for zero option we’re negotiating with Soviets on I.N.F. He says they have missiles not counted, hidden & even on site inspection wouldn’t reveal them.
A briefing on visit of Pres. Moi of Kenya & then the meeting. The usual—a short one on one, then the plenary & finally lunch & the farewell statements to the press. Kenya thanks to him is the best organized country in Africa & the most free enterprise one. Our meetings were very good & he’s overjoyed.
Some desk time then admin time—photos with Ambas. Constable & her family—she’s Ambas. to Kenya. A group of the “Citizens for Reagan” came by—they are working hard to line up public support for our aid to the Contras. Yesterday afternoon the House voted a moratorium which I will veto if it passes the Sen.
Then some S.S. agents who are moving, 2 Marine guards & a man from Anne Higgins office who has been most helpful on such things as finding transplants for children. This evening George Scharfenberger & lawyer came with our new wills & trust agreements.