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Diary Entry - 03/12/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan greets President of the Republic of Kenya Daniel arap Moi.

  • President Reagan meets with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to discuss the Intermediate Nuclear Forces talks.

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This A.M. we agreed on Ken Duberstein to be Howards deputy. It’s great having him back on board. N.S.C. was brief & no sensational news. Later dropped in on P.F.I.A.B. having regular meeting in Roosevelt room. Henry K. gave a brief sum up of meeting with Gorbachev in Moscow. I’m afraid I cant agree with one of his views. He doesn’t think we should go for zero option we’re negotiating with Soviets on I.N.F. He says they have missiles not counted, hidden & even on site inspection wouldn’t reveal them.

A briefing on visit of Pres. Moi of Kenya & then the meeting. The usual—a short one on one, then the plenary & finally lunch & the farewell statements to the press. Kenya thanks to him is the best organized country in Africa & the most free enterprise one. Our meetings were very good & he’s overjoyed.

Some desk time then admin time—photos with Ambas. Constable & her family—she’s Ambas. to Kenya. A group of the “Citizens for Reagan” came by—they are working hard to line up public support for our aid to the Contras. Yesterday afternoon the House voted a moratorium which I will veto if it passes the Sen.

Then some S.S. agents who are moving, 2 Marine guards & a man from Anne Higgins office who has been most helpful on such things as finding transplants for children. This evening George Scharfenberger & lawyer came with our new wills & trust agreements.

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