Diary Entry - 03/13/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan congratulates the top ten boys and girls Washington area high school basketball players.
President Reagan and Vice President Bush enjoy lunch together.
A pleasant visit in the Cabinet room with the 10 top highschool basket ball players in the area & 10 of the same for girls basketball & coaches—1each of the top mens & womens coaches.
Then more meetings morning & afternoon. Most of them were here for the Nicaragua pitch but one who was in on the farm bill.
The high spot was trip over to the St. Dept. to see a display of weapons the Sandinistas delivered to guerillas in other Latin Am. countries. There were speeches by 3 men, 2 of them had turned away after being on the wrong side. One had been a communist rebel in El Salvador, another a member of the Sandinista govt. & one was a victim of the Sandinistas, imprisoned & tortured. Their stories were impressive. I wish they could appear on T.V. but I’m afraid T.V. won't do such a thing.
Then I was made honorary Pres. of the Olympic committee. Met the nat. Young Repub. Leadership. Met the new Pres. of the Nat. Press Club—a nice young lady Mary Kay Quinian. Our Nat. Champion S.S. Pistol Team came by with their targets—they really were champs. A few other photo’s—people leaving, an Ambas. etc. Then over to the Blue Room for a meeting with several Dem. Senators (from the South). We had a good session on Nicaragua & they seem to be so much with us I asked them to work on some of our Repub. Sens. Almost forgot—Henson Moore came by re our sharing of Fed. Oil (offshore) revenues with the states. I think we made him happy.