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Diary Entry - 03/12/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-12-1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with several White House senior staff to discuss an upcoming trip to El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

  • President Reagan participates in an interview with Ernest B. "Pat" Furgurson, Washington Bureau Chief for the Baltimore Sun.

View the President's Schedule
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Saw Phil Habib off to Central Am. 1st stop Pres. Duarte—El Salvador, then the other countries. Mission to try & persuade the Sandinistas in Nicaragua to negotiate with the Contras. Met with 4 Dem. Congressmen—all from the S. My pitch was to support us on the aid to the Contras. I dont know whether I have them or not. They want me to get their constituents revved up. It’s true that the public has been steered away from this cause & has a kind of “Where’s Nicaragua” feeling.

An interview with 4 journalists from the Baltimore Sun. Regular Wed. meeting with George S.—a number of items including Marcos. Last night Marcos called Paul Laxalt. He wants out of Honolulu and wants Mexico, Panama or Spain & Airforce transportation. We’re working on it & are trying Panama first.

In the East Room presented 26 of the Nat. Medals of Science & Technology. Then a photo with volunteers who are heading up our Savings Bond drive. A Taping session & upstairs.

Dinner with 23 major donors to our Library & Museum. [. . .]

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