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Diary Entry - 03/11/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-11-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Suzanne Massie, co-author of Nicholas and Alexandra.

  • President Reagan meets with members of the Trade Coalitions and discusses the Omnibus Trade bill.

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Started a beautiful Spring day talking about Noriega. There are reports of Bulgarian & East German agents on the scene possibly with Soviet money on the scene. Then we switched to Contras—there are indications Sandinistas may be mounting a major assault across Honduran border.

In Geneva the U.N. Human Rt’s. meeting adopted a resolution to send a Human Rt’s. investigating team into Cuba—first time we’ve ever gotten a consensus & doing this.

N.S.C.—Colin came in & we did some summing up on our troop situation in Panama. We agreed on anti-Noriega actions we’re going to take. Then the subject turned to Shamir who’ll be here next week & who is being bullheaded about our peace proposal. Suzanne Massey just back from Soviet U. came by. Her reports on attitudes in Russia are very interesting. She says my appearances on their T.V. what with the summit have made me pretty popular among the Russian people. Then desk time—lunch & over to E.O.B. to address Coalition on Trade. I blasted the protectionist proposals of Congress. Back to Oval O. & meeting with George Shultz. We covered subjects already talked about. But he is following release of my Noriega statement to press with a press conference. That took me upstairs for a clothes change & off to Camp D. A beautiful afternoon—a good movie that evening.

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