Diary Entry - 03/10/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a joint interview session with media from France, Great Britain, Federal Republic of Germany, and Italy.
President and Mrs. Reagan attend a black-tie dinner to raise money for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
Ann McLaughlin came in & we discussed the minimum wage bill. She’s doing great as Sec. of Labor. We’re going to try for a beginners minimum lower than the regular.
Howard got Sec. Bennett & Ed Meese together on their differences on drugs. Then we discussed a pardon for John Howell of Texas. Pat Jacobsen is coming in today & she’s been pleading for this for several years. He is no longer in jail & has been removed from probation but our legal staffs resist a pardon.
N.S.C.—Some talk of U.K. & Argentina. U.K. is going to hold naval maneuvers off the Falklands & Argentina is upset about it. Some talk about Afghanistan. Pakistan wants a temporary govt. in place when Soviets leave. Soviets are resisting. A leak in Taiwan press to effect Taiwan is building a nuc. weapon. We are worried Contras are in short supply & need help soon. Then a briefing for interview (T.V.) I’ll do with Europes 4 leading anchor men. The interviews will be 1 on 1. Eng. France, W. Germany & Italy. They all went well.
Then lunch & afterward our N.S.P.G. meeting on Panama & Gen. Noriega. We’re agreed we must not let down or lose on this. We must get rid of him.
I did a photo with a family from Fla.—(Alec Courtellis) they put together tonites dinner which is raising $1 mil. for our Library.
Followed this with photos with office of Policy staff. Then Bob Tuttle—Personneltime & after that Admin. time. Pat Jacobsen & her son followed by Aircorps Acad. Football team. I awarded them the Commander in Chiefs trophy for beating the other service academys. Then received a family—American mother & Lt. Col. in one of our Korean hospitals—her husband & 2 sons. The 11 yr. old was winner of a contest to design a logo for new youth org. for security of Am. Kids abroad.
A photo with Ray Barnhart who is leaving after 8 yrs. in transportation dept.
Some departure photos & up to get into black tie. The dinner—100 or so mainly from Fla. raised $1 1⁄2 mil. for our Presidential Library. It was a nice affair with nice people & most enjoyable.