Diary Entry - 03/06/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan attends the 42nd annual convention of the National Association of Evangelicals.
President Reagan is greeted in New York by U.S. Attorney, Southern District of New York, Rudolph Giuliani.
President Reagan meets with Senators Cohen and Biden to talk about the President's goals for Russia.
This modern age!—Spent half a day in the office then by mid afternoon I was addressing the Nat. Assn. of Evangelicals in Columbus Ohio then at a Dinner in N.Y. a Repub. $1000 a ticket fundraiser & went to bed in the W.H. Before flying to Columbus met with Sens. Bill Cohen & Joe Biden. They’ve been to Russia and are all wrapped up in “Arms Reductions.” I suspect that at least one of them (J.B.) doesn’t believe I’m sincere about wanting them. We had an N.S.C. meeting & then I was off on A.F.1. The Evangelicals were most warm & cordial. I had 4 standing ovations. The group in N.Y. was also receptive. I met Nancy in N.Y. and we came back to Wash. together.