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Diary Entry - 03/05/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-05-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Helmut Kohl.

  • President Reagan addresses about 2,000 at the Annual Congressional-City Conference of the National League of Cities.

  • The U.S. accuses Iraq of using poison gas.

View the President's Schedule
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A typical Mon.—no breathing room & a stack of memos plus things to sign—which I didn’t get to until late afternoon. Helmut Kohl arrived (W. Ger. Chancellor). We had a good meeting thru lunch. He confirmed my belief that Soviets are motivated, at least in part by insecurity & a suspicion that we & our allies mean them harm. They still preserve the tank traps & barb wire that show how close the Germans got to Moscow before they were stopped. He too thinks I should meet Chernenko. Met later with Howard Baker & Paul Laxalt re our efforts to get the Dems. to join in a deficit reducing program. Our Repubs. want us to come together on something first. If we do the Dems. will take that as the bargaining position from which we’ll have to come down to meet their figures. Went to the Hilton and addressed about 2000 of the Nat. League of Cities Congressional-City Conf. Was well received. Brief meeting with officers of U.S. League of Savings Insts. They are very supportive of us. A Photo with John Newcomb—Australian Tennis Star. Some tapings for various affairs & a drop by of reception for our Advance people who’ve been with us in ’76 & ’80.

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