Diary Entry - 03/04/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan and the First Lady celebrate their 29th anniversary; enjoying a dinner party at the Jockey Club.
President Reagan writes that he "regretfully acknowledges the hijacking of a Pakistani plane that landed In Kabul" and notes that America won't put "up with their games."
The Ivory Coast is granted a $626 million loan by the International Monetary Fund (IMP). It is hoped the loan will stabilize the country's troubled economy brought on by decreased market value of the principal exports, coffee and cocoa.
Our wedding anniversary. 29 years of more happiness than any man could rightly deserve. Nancy came down to the office & we met the Easter Seal girl for 1981 Colleen Finn, a charming 6 yr. old in a wheelchair.
Started the day with a breakfast for the freshman class of Repub. Congressmen & women. They are a great bunch—had a resolution supporting our ec. program.
A Pakistani plane was hijacked and landed in Kabul. The Russians are holding it & 3 or 6 of the passengers are American. We haven’t been able to learn which figure is right but we’re going to let the Soviets know we won't put up with their games.
Tonite—a dinner party (old friends from home) at the Jockey Club. I’m really looking forward to it. Home—a wonderful evening—Alfred & Betts, Smiths, Wicks, Lee A. & Ted G.