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Diary Entry - 03/03/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-03-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan discusses the Auto Industry with members of the Auto Industry Task Force.

  • Walter Cronkite interviews President Reagan for CBS news; to be broadcasted on the 8 p.m. news.

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Arthur Burns back from China—said no mention of Taiwan at any time. Msg. delivered of Popes greeting to me from Alaska that he prays for me & all Americans. Jerry Ford came by. We had a good talk. He’s very supportive of our ec. plan. Betty spent her time with Nancy. They are leaving on an 11 nation trip—business in 5 of them—the others pleasure. I gave him letters of greeting to heads of state in the countries where he’s not on commercial business.

Had the Bakers (Senator) Meeses, Jim Bakers & Max F. for dinner but first we dropped by reception V.F.W. which was honoring Paul Laxalt.

During day I did a 1 hr. interview with Walter Cronkite—his last for CBS. He spent the 1st 20 min’s. on El Salvador. He didn’t throw any slow balls but the reaction was favorable. Because of our dinner we couldn’t watch the show but I was treated to another W.H. service. They taped the program & played it back to us later in the evening.

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