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Diary Entry - 03/01/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-01-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan and the First Lady attend church services at the National Presbyterian Church.

  • President and Mrs. Reagan enjoy their first walk around the grounds of the White House; seeing the entirety of the South Grounds.

  • British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher leaves the U.S. after wide-ranging talks in her first meeting with Ronald Reagan.

View the President's Schedule
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Day began at 5 A.M. when phone rang to tell us the fire alarm had shown a fire in Nancy’s dressing room. It was a malfunction but S.S. & W.H. Police came in and went up into the ceiling etc.

Church at 11—Nat. Presbyterian—very nice.

Took our 1st walk on W.H. grounds—saw the pool, dog runs & tennis court.

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