Diary Entry - 02/28/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan writes about the difference between "illegal aliens and those seeking asylum from totalitarian regimes."
The First Lady and President Reagan enjoy watching the movie "The Black Stallion."
Saw the Thatchers off at 11 A.M. after coffee together. Mexican Ambassador brought message from Pres. Lopez Portillo to Dick Allen & Jim Baker. The Pres. is willing to go forward (with Venezuela) in trying to negotiate an end to El Salvador problem. I’m all for it. A call in evening reported a boat load of Haitians approaching our shores. I’m all for opening the door to refugees from totalitarianism but this is more complicated. These are just people who believe they can have a better life here. They are in fact illegal aliens. We’ll have to deport them but it’s a long & complicated business due to our own laws.
Had the Wilsons & Smiths to dinner & showed a movie in the “family theatre”—“The Black Stallion.”