Diary Entry - 02/29/1988

Key Facts
President and Mrs. Reagan attend and address a White House Conference on Drug Free America.
President Reagan attends and addresses the Annual Leadership Conference of the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary.
South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu and other religious leaders are arrested while kneeling near Parliament with a petition against government bans on anti-apartheid groups.
Howard B. is in Chi. making a speech. We talked some about legislative schedule—Jay Stevens as acting U.S. Attorney has now been permanently appointed. I’ll be announcing drug certifications on plane tomorrow. Bill Verity wants to make acting no. 2 to be no. 3 & wants Donna Tuttle for no. 2 spot. I said OK.
N.S.C.—A report on S. Africa then a discussion of Panama & possible options.
Then Nancy & I went over to Omni Shoreham hotel & both of us addressed the W.H. Conference on a Drug Free America. Then back to the W.H. where O.M.B. presented me with ’89 management report. Our program has accumulated about $125 bil. in savings.
Then lunch with V.P. At 1:10 I departed for Sheraton Wash. hotel to speak to Am. Legion. Back to W.H.—a lot of desk work—then photo with members of Boone & Crockett Club—100 yrs. old today.
A photo with the Mansfields—he’s soon going back to Japan as Ambas. He’s been in govt. service 50 yrs. Then a meeting with F. Carlucci. From there upstairs & pack for trip to Brussels.