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Diary Entry - 02/29/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-29-1988

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan attend and address a White House Conference on Drug Free America.

  • President Reagan attends and addresses the Annual Leadership Conference of the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary.

  • South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu and other religious leaders are arrested while kneeling near Parliament with a petition against government bans on anti-apartheid groups.

View the President's Schedule
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Howard B. is in Chi. making a speech. We talked some about legislative schedule—Jay Stevens as acting U.S. Attorney has now been permanently appointed. I’ll be announcing drug certifications on plane tomorrow. Bill Verity wants to make acting no. 2 to be no. 3 & wants Donna Tuttle for no. 2 spot. I said OK.

N.S.C.—A report on S. Africa then a discussion of Panama & possible options.

Then Nancy & I went over to Omni Shoreham hotel & both of us addressed the W.H. Conference on a Drug Free America. Then back to the W.H. where O.M.B. presented me with ’89 management report. Our program has accumulated about $125 bil. in savings.

Then lunch with V.P. At 1:10 I departed for Sheraton Wash. hotel to speak to Am. Legion. Back to W.H.—a lot of desk work—then photo with members of Boone & Crockett Club—100 yrs. old today.

A photo with the Mansfields—he’s soon going back to Japan as Ambas. He’s been in govt. service 50 yrs. Then a meeting with F. Carlucci. From there upstairs & pack for trip to Brussels.

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