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Diary Entry - 02/23/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-23-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses the citizens of the North Atlantic Alliance about satellite channels, Worldnet and the Voice of America.

  • President Reagan greets law enforcement officials attending a luncheon hosted by the U.S. Secret Service.

  • President Reagan names William L. Ball III as new U.S. Navy Secretary.

View the President's Schedule
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Began day at 9 A.M. in map room downstairs on live T.V.—the World Network & Voice of America—speaking to all of Europe etc. on arms situation & assuring world we would not retreat from our position of solidarity with N.A.T.O. Then over to office for staff meeting. It seems Jim Wright is not sure he’ll be submitting his version of a Contra Aid bill to Cong. for a vote Thurs. as he’d promised. We’re told he may not have the votes. Howard is going to call him & tell him to send the pckg. or we’ll send one of our own. Deadline is Feb. 29.

Then we talked about Q’s. I might get at press Conf. tomorrow night.

Ken D. reported on his Canadian trip—to the winter Olympics but also to meet with Canadas Joe Clark. Clark says Bryan Mulroney would like a one on one with me. We’ll try to arrange it.

N.S.C.—Iraqs planes continue to harass our ships—we dont know whether they just dont know what they’re doing or not. Some of our top military are in Bagdad trying to find out. Afghan resistance has come up with a proposed interim govt. for when Soviets leave. They propose 28 ministers—7 from present govt. 7 from refugees & 14 from various factions of the freedom fighters.

Pres. of Panama is still talking that Noriega must retire. On Feb. 22 (yesterday) Noriega’s force arrested & detained 28 Ams. mainly our soldiers on their way from home to post. They were charged with wearing their uniforms in Panama & detained for a time. Curiously on Feb. 21 Noriegas daughter & her husband were arrested by our mil. police for a traffic violation in one of our compounds.

Well I had desk time—phoned a Foreign Svc. officer & asked him to be Ambas. to Bolivia. Lunch—then at 1 P.M. went into Roosevelt Rm. briefly to greet about 20 guests from all branches of law enforcement & intelligence—some mil. They were guests of John Simpson. A goodbye photo with Curtis Mack & his bride.

At 1:30 Lady Olga Maitland of Eng. friend of Margaret T. & Charles Price came in—she did an interview. She’s a journalist—very pleasant. She also heads up a women's org. that is in opposition to the peacenik bunch in Eng.—very supportive of I.N.F. etc.

Got my sneeze shot & went into family theatre for a work out getting ready for press conf. Upstairs & waited for Nancy to come home. She did.

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