Diary Entry - 02/22/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting with the Nation's Governors, and then takes questions .
President Reagan talks on a secure line with Secretary of State George Shultz who is in Moscow, USSR.
Announced I’ll be doing a press conf. this Wed. 8 P.M. Then got a call from George S. & Colin. They were somewhat upbeat about their meetings in Moscow—31⁄2 hrs. alone with Gorbachev. We learned Jim Wright is suggesting the Dem. Contra Aid bill may come up for a vote Thurs. It will of course not provide for my lethal material. Bob Michel is going to try for a bill that will provide for such.
I was told there will be a St. Dinner for Turkey June 25. Bob Tuttle has suggested we appoint an acting dir. on arms control. I have done so.
N.S.C.—Amal is still trying to locate Lt. Col. Higgens. He appeared on T.V. obviously reading a msg. from kidnapers demanding Shultz stay out of the middle east. Israel must get out of S. Lebanon. Release of all prisoners in S. Lebanon & Israeli jails & an end to U.S. intervention in Lebanon. Blaming the Sandinistas Cardinal Bravo said talks with Contras have been suspended.
Human Rt’s Commission which lost by 1 vote a condemnation of Cuba for violating human rts. This will be brought up in current meeting in Geneva. This time—new head of our commission is Valadores—22 yrs. a pol. prisoner in Cuba. 11:45 over to Roosevelt room for swearing in of Wendy Gramm as [left blank, but was sworn in as Chairman of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission].
Issues Briefing lunch—ran 1⁄2 hr. over but it was a good round up of a number of issues.
Then over to E.O.B. to speak to staff of O.M.B. who have worked tirelessly on budget etc.
Back to office for Cabinet meeting. Beryl S. briefed cabinet on economy. Photo with office of legislative affairs. Dir. Will Ball is going to become Sec. of Navy. Present Sec. Webb resigned over Navy budget cuts. I dont think Navy was sorry to see him go. A haircut then a long taping session & finally upstairs to exercise, dinner & bed.