Diary Entry - 02/23/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss the 1983 Budget of the US and the Caribbean Initiative.
President Reagan meets with Special Emissary of P.M. Suzuki to discuss Japan's need to "do better regarding trade restrictions."
The Japanese government announces that it will grant no new credits to Poland until it lifts martial law.
A short night. We were sound asleep last nite when it sounded like the War of 1812. It seems some group had scheduled a Wash. B.D. fireworks display down on the mall at midnight. Met this A.M. with our Cong. leaders. They are really antsy about the deficit and seem determined that we must retreat on our program—taxes & defense spending. Yet they seem reluctant to go for the budget cutting we’ve asked for. Capital Historical Society presented me with a silver medal—struck for Geo. W’s B.D. Amvets came by with Gold helmet award I was to have received last April before the interruption. Lunched with George Will—hope I reassured him that I’m not a false front. Met with special emissary of P.M. Suzuki—told him Japan would have to do better regarding trade restrictions. Cab. Council on Food & Agri. Jack Block wants a tough anti-grain embargo statement to reassure our farmers. Cant do completely what he wants because it is a threat now putting pressure on Soviets. Gov Bill Clements came by—is opposed to doing away with energy dept. Phoned Pres. Lopez Portillo & Herrera Campins (Venezuela), also P.M. Trudeau to brief them on tomorrow’s speech to the O.A.S. on the Caribbean plan. They were pleased. State dinner for Gov’s & wives. It was a really nice affair. Entertainment by cast of “Sophisticated Ladies.” They’ve given us real bi-partisan support on our Federalism program, but you’d never know it from the press. Press & media still trying to make it look like we’ve failed to get their support. [The following appears at the end of the diary entries for Tuesday, February 23, 1982; President Reagan wrote it on the 23rd and cross-references it back to the events of Friday, February 19, to which it pertains.] Dinner for 2nd half of the diplomatic corps. Never has been one since Eisenhower. This time their Dean—Dobrynan was here. Truth is he & his wife are most likeable & very much in love with each other after 40 years of marriage.